Sunday, October 20, 2013

Daily Science Haikus

While my father-in-law was here visiting last month, he mentioned that he writes a couplet to his fiancee each morning. This got the back of my head thinking, Hey, why don't I do something like that? And then I thought, a bit more consciously, hey, why don't I write a haiku every day about science and post it on the Facebook page for Einstein's Workshop? So I began today with a haiku about Titan and meteor impacts. I'll also be posting the haikus here.

The hardest part of this, by far, was finding just the right science news to write about. I cruised the NYTimes, ScienceNews, Scientific American, boingboing, Laughing Squid, and finally found the right article in New Scientist. I'm rather bummed that I missed Ada Lovelace Day on the 15th. I may write something about her tomorrow anyway, because I can. And I may put the birthdays of every great female scientist in my calendar so that I can immortalize each one as they go by. But that's all a lot of work, so I'd also appreciate suggestions. If you see a very cool science tidbit (or you've just published something cool and want it promoted), let me know.

And now, today's haiku:

Wetlands on Titan?
Meteor impacts erased
by hydrocarbon swamps.

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